The Lifëof í,hrig, is prefently after e) pounded. That wee Jhould ferve in newneffe of Spirit, `Rom. 7.4.6. ifaman Love me,fatth our Saviour, he wi1%krepe my Words : and this obedience is the child of Faith, :.sitis let dowi* e tailiC place, yce Jha1í knout that I amin my Fath, r,4nd you in nie,and 1 in you and immediately upon ; his Fat; h it folio wes, Hee that hash my Commandements and ke.epeth them, hee it it that loveth me : a:ad he that loveth me, /hall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, ánì will rnanif f my [elfe unto Him, Ioh,i 4.. 20,2 1, -2 z,. a"3. ran which place there are thefe things of excellent obfervat:ion. Frrtt,the noble objeófs that Faith doth contemplate, even i.he ex- cellency of Gods Love unto us in Chrill. You/hall know that I am in my Father ;'.in Hisbofome, in H ;s bo r -els in His dearetl: affehicn : One with Him in mercy, in counfell, in power. That He and 'I Imitti Aoe one way have both one decrée and refoluvotaof Grace and cotn- pafTion towards (inners And that pu are in me, your na'ure in me, your infirmities in me, the punilliment of your finnes upon me, that I am bone of your bone; And flefh of your flefb, thatyou are in my heart, and in my xen- dereft a f fec`lions,that you were crucified together with me, that you live together with tne, that you fit together with mee in Heavenly places; that I died your death, that you role my Ref urre ion, that I pray your prayers, that you were my righteoufneffe, and that I am in you, by my merits to juf}ifie you, by my Grace and Spirit to renew and purifie you, by my Power to keepe you,by my Wife - dome to leade you, by my Communion and Compaflìon to (hare with you in all your troubles.; thefe are the my- íteries of the Love of ; he Father and the Son to us. Now this Love kindleth a Love in us againe, and that Love theweth it fèlfe in wo things. Tina in having the CO mmandements of Chrift ; that is in accepting of tha m,in giving audience unto them, in opening our eyes to; fee, and our hearts to cntertaine the wonders of the i 4 Law , 487 Rom.6.6)8. Ephef.a.6.