Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

q.88 I be Life o f Chri Law. And fecondly in keeping of them, in putting to the t1 rengch of our Love (tor Love is as ftrong as Death; it will make a man negleátfull of his owne life to fer ve and pleafe the perfon whom hee loves) th at fo wee may performe the duties which fo good a Saviour requires of us. And now as our Love was not the fiat mover (we loved Him,becaufe He loved us firfg) So neither (hall it be the la(i ; as the Father and the Son did by their firft Love provoke ours, fo will they by their fecondLove re- ward ours. And therefore it followes ; He that loveth me fball be loved of my Father, and I will love him. This is not ment of a new Love, but of. a further declaration of their former Love, namely in a more clofe and fami- liar communion,and Heavenly cohabitation with them; wee will come unto Him, and make our abode with Him, we will (hew Him our face, we will make all our good- neile to paffe before him, wee will converfe and com- mune with His Spirit, we will fuppe with him,we will provide Him a feat} of fatted things, and of refined wine, wee will open the breafts of coníòlation, and delight Him with the abundance of Glory. Excellent to the purpofe of the prefent point is that place of the Apoille 2 Cor.S .t 4,15. The Love of Chrift,f with he,conflraineth ur, that is, either Chrifts Love to us by Faith apprehen- ded, or our Love to Chrift by the appreheenfion of His Love wrought in us, doth by a kinde of fweete and love- ly violence winne, and overrule our hearts; not to live henceforth unto our felves, but unto Him that died for us and role againe: and the roote of this thong perfwa (ion is adjoyned, namely becaufe wee thus Iodge, be- caufe we know and beleeve, that if one died for all3then all are dead to the guilt, and to the power of finne, and ought to live a new life conformable to the refurreciion of Chri(} againe. Therefore in two paralell places the iApofile ufeth promifcuoully Faith and a new Creature. In aria Iefus neither Circumciiìon availeth any thing, nOr