Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I he Life of nor uncircumciiion, but Faith which vvoriteth by Leve, neither circumcilîon nor uncircnmci ion,but a new crea- ture. The reaiòn of which promifcuous acceptation the Apoltle renders the infe parable union between faith and renovation. *If any man be in Chriff,he is a new Creature Secondly, Faith gives us all good things requifite to our condition. Adam was created Lord of his fellow in- feriour Creatures, invelted with propriety to them all. In his tall hee made a forfeiture of every good thing which God gave him : In the fecond Covenant a recon- ciliation being procur'J, Faith entitling a man to the Co- venant doch likewife re- invtft him with the Creatures againe. All things, faith the Apoltle, are yours, and he opens the title and conveyance of them, you are Chrifis, and Chrif is Gods, 1 Cor. 3.2 3. So elfcwhere he faith that the living God givetb us all things richly to enjoy, that is, not only the pofleffion but the ute of the things, I rim. 6. 17. whereby all things we may underhand, firlt the liberty and enlargement of Chrillians , as it Elands in oppofition to the pedagogie and difcipline of (..Atafes Law, which diltingui.fhed the Creatures into cleane and uncleane, and fo by confequence into ufefull and unufefull; fo that now by any immediate tic of con- fccnce we are not prohibited the free enjoyment of any Creature of God. Secondly by all things we underhand not all limply, but all requilites ; All that in regard of our hate and couric are neceflàry to life and godlineffe. O woman, faith our Saviour,great is thy Faith,Be it un- to thee even as thou wilt, Matth. 15.22. This is a large grant to aske what wee will and to have promife of ob- taining it ; but bee who promifeih to beleevers what they will, cloth likewife regulate and confine their wits to delire nothing but with fubordination to His Will; nothing bue their owne portion, that whichis food con - venient for them. The heathenman could fay,That man hash as much as lice delires, who dciirres nothing but what 489 -, " Gal. S.6o * * i Cor. 5.17, Taìrtum habit quantum wilt, qui nibil vtdt viß n, uod habet. Sencc. ___.._...-- .