Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

490 `I he Lije Clarifl. what hee bath. So wee may fay of a Chriftian, hee lath indeed whatfower hee will, bccaufe God gives him a heart to delre nothing but that which is Gods promìfe and his owne neceiTitie. Now all thefe things Faith gives us, firtl becaufe it gives us the Fountaine, and fecondly the Pronnfr of Ikon all. Firíl Faith carries us to the Fountaine, that is to God. With thee, faith the Prophet David; there is the Fountaine of life, Pfal. 3 6.9. And i'e are cf god in (hr iji Iefus, faith the Apoille, t Cor. I , 3 o. Now we know there is,a kinde of All- iun:rencie in a Foun- taine, what ever water a man wants, bee may have his fupply at the Fountaine ; whereas Cifternes andbroken pits will bee prefently exhaufted. Wee may obferve in many fountains that to the eye they feeme to have farre leffe water in them for the time, than force greater tor rent or Win' er loud, which overrunnes whole valleyes, and carries away woods and (ones before it : yet lob tell's us that a Torrent will make men afhamed in fum- mer, when they turne a(de for water to refreih them, and can finde none, ?ob 6.i 9, 2 o. But bee that comes to a Fountaine for refreshment flail never be a(hamed, be- caufe it is living and growing water, and fo makes a per -. petual! fupply. So the Faithful! oftentimes have leffe Wealth and aboundance of earthly things than other men : yet notwithflanding they have therewithall the Fountaine, and fo by consequence they have more cer- tainty, and more fweetne{fe. Firít more certainty, for Fountaine water is Living water, and fo it multiplies; whet eas other men have their water in Ciferns that are broken, full of hoes and chinkes to let it out againe : fo the P rophets tels us of force that drudge and labour, but it is in the fire, their worke perilleth as fall as it growes, and of others that earne wages, but put it in a. botgge with holes, it falls out as fait as it is put in. 'What are thefe holes, this fire that melts, and lets out the eftates