Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

he Lifeof 44i effaces of wicked men ; they are principally thefe two. Fill', the lulls of their own hearts, Tee orge and receive not ,becaufe ye fpend it upon your 1Hftr, faith the.poitle ; and as luit keepes it away, Io luit lets it out when wee have it. How many great etiates have Wine and women, Hawkes and Hounds,farhions and comple- ments, pride aid vaine - glory, humours and projects, quarrels and diffentions, the backe, the belly, the eyes the Bare, the tongue, the many inventions of an idle 'head, the many exorbitancies of a wandring heart, mel- ted away, and reduced to nothing. Every member of the body, every appetite of the foule, fo many chinées to let out an efface. But now the faithfull have their kilts abated, their hearts ordered, the dropfie and intem- paancie of their affe6ions removed, and fo all the holes at which Goa s bleffìngs might Poke away are stopped up. Secondly, the ciiternes of wicked men are broken, and their bagges full of holes by the fecret judgement and curl( of God' punishing their tintull tufts in thcir tin - full gaine, blafting and withering their fruitleffe elates, as Chrift did the barren fi tree. We fee how the Lord threatens to curie the people for their Pinnes in their go- ing out and, comming in, in their basket and in their flore : to breake the itafie of their bread, to take away their cup from their mouth, to take his Wine and his Oylc to himfelfe againe, to consume their Palaces with fire, to remove their bankets, to discover their treafures, and to feeke out their hidden things, to heare the cry of the beanie, and of the lione out of the wall, and to pull them out cf their nefts, even from among the Starres, with infinite other the like expreflîons, in which the Lord ufeth to thew unto us the power and vigilancy of his Iuftice in the adman titration of the World. W lier- as the faithful' have the Bread and the Word, the Crea- tures and the bleflïngs of God together, and fo have more certaintie in thefe things. The W omansOyle and Meate