Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

491 be Lift of Chrif. MeaIe was not much, yet it encreafed, and went along with her occafions, there was a Spring in the Crufe and in the Barrel!, it was living Oyle, and living Meale,that grew, and held out in the famine. As a mans occafions are, fo the Fountaine fupplies him. If he want a Cup, a Bucket, a Cifterne full, there is in the Fountaine anf ve- rable to all his wants : fo whatever neceflîtie the Lord brings the faithfull unto, he gives them an eye to fee, a heart to rea in, and to expect in the ufe ofhonefl meaner a fupply proportionable to each of them. And as they have more certaintie, fo have they more frreetneffe in the waters which they fetch from the Fountaine. Water in pits and ciaernes rots, and groves muddy and unfavo- rie; (o doe the Creatures of God to wicked men. Cares, jealoulìes, delires, hopes, ends, infinite commix- tures and diflurbances deprive the Creatures of their native rellifhand pureneffe. The fweetefl Wine to an aguilh Palate taftes of that bitter humour which it there finds. So !nits and curies interweaving themfeives with the Creatures in a wicked mans hands, mutt needs take away the fenfè of their limple goodnelfe, turne their table to a fnare, and the things which should have beene for their good into an occalon of falling. Whereas the faithfull by the. Word and Prayer have the Creature fan - ctified, feafoned, and perfumed tinto their ufe again,have the curie of God removed, and their own lulls corrected, and with -held from mingling with them. Thus Faith gives us all things in the Fountaine, more certaine, and more (weer, by (topping the holes which did let them out, and by removing the /4s and eurfes which did before embitter them. Secondly, Faith gives us all things by giving us the Promi /s. Goailine f fe bath the promifes of this life, and that which is to come, i Tim, 4. S. Wicked men have good things only by Gods genera /l providence, which maketh his Sunne to thine as well on them as on the juft