Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I he Life of aril' just by a common bountie. But thismanner of tenure is liable to many forfeitures, curies, taxations ; many in- rodes and devaftations , by wolvi(h and wafting lulls ; and by confequence is not able to fettle and fecure the heart in the enjoyment of them. But now by Faith in the promifes the godly have their hold altered , have their eftate fetled in a better and furer tenure, delivered from thole many incurnbrances and intanglements unto the which before they were obnoxious ; fo that now a. mans heart is fecured beyond all doubts or humane feares. A poore man may object ; I am not wife enough to order my afiaires , I am difabled by frckneffe and weakneffe to attend my calling, my charge encreafeth upon mee, and my probabilities of providing for them waxe fmaller than before. But yet Faith is able to an- fwer thefe and all other the like objections , by propo- fing the promire. Dolt thou live by thine owne flrength? Dot} thou profper by thine owne wifedome and indu thy or by the bleffing and truth of God in his promi- fes ? and is Gods Truth an Accepter of perfons ? Is not his fidelitie as firme towards weake and poore , as to- wards rich believers ? Is there any want or weakeneffe ,. any povertie or deficiency in heaven ? Doe the promifes of God ftand in need of mans wifedome or strength to bring them to paffe ? Can thy increafe of charge or oc- cafions exhauft the treafures, or drie up the Fountaines and truth of God ? If an honourable and wealthy per - fon have occafion to enlarge his retinue, and live at a higher pitch than before , yet becaufe hee bath aboun- dance, he doth not repine at this neceflity. All the faith full are of the houfhold and family of God , who is no whit the poorer in his Rate and power by maintaining many or few.He gives to all men, and yet he gives libe- rall y ,Iam,1.5 .which no rich man in the World is able to do;becaufe as he gives to others, himfelfe decreafeth. But God gives out ofa Fountaine, as the Sunne gives light,.i which +93