494 -------_--. ` he Life or Chia which whether it mine to one or co thoutànds, retaines flili,equall light in it felf,neither can the eyes or men ex- liauft or draw out the light of the Sunne. All the Crea- tures'are mine,faith God,,ipo» a thoufandhils, Ifa thou fand hills can beare corne enough, or feed Cattell enough for any poore mans reliefe, bee need not doubt or feare; for God bath "till thoufands of mountairaes,as it were fo many granaries or flore}aoufes,i n his truth and promdes, for the faithfull in any firaits to have recourfe unto. And thus faith gives us all things by entítuling us to the Promifes. Againft all this which bath beetle fpoken touching the excellency of Faith, may be obi ee ed that determinabon of the Apoftie ; 2Zzv a6ideth Faith, Ilope,and Charity, thefe three; 6ut the greateff of thefe is Charitie, I Cor. ! 13.13. By which comparifon this point touching the precedency of Faith feemes to be impaired. To which I anfwer ; That the Apottle fpeakes of a greatmtle eaten - fvé,in regard of duration, Charitie being an everlalling.. Grace, but faith pertaining only to this life, as being re- quifite to the prefent qualitie and flares of the Church (for faith and fruition are oppos'd, 2 Cor. 5.7. Faith looketh upon things in their promifes, fruition in their reali exiftence) but now confider faith as an infintroert to lay hold on Chrift, and the precious prom ifes of life and grace in him, and confider it as a R. ote, a living principle to put the heart in worker to purifie the con - tcience, to enflame the heart to fpirituall obedience, and a retribution of holy love to God :for all his love to us in his Son ; and thus Faith exceeds Charitie as the motion ofth; mouth in eating, which is an aft that tends imme, d iatcly to life, Both the motion of the mouth in speaking, which tendeth not to an end fo important, nor abfolute- ly necefiáry. Another objection may be this. Other Graces make a man like Chritt,which Faith cannot do, becauiè C hritt could