The Life of Chri 495 could not believe unto juftification, or life , having the Fountaine of both abou'ndantly in himfelfe whereas the proper and primitive worse of Faith is to carry a man out of hiniielfe,and to make him lee all his fu!licien- cy in another. To which I anfwer two waies. Firft, Chriit had faith, though not to fuch purpofes as wee : Faith in the common nature of it, as it imports ajfent to all divine truth, and adherence. or reliance of the foule to the benefit and goodne je which-the fame brings with it (for ratio veritatis ) and ratio commodi are the two ób. ¡eels ofaright faith or rather 1everail qualifications of thefame objeôt) thus is is a Legall thing comming under the corrnpaffè of thofe duties of the Law, unto which ?. Chr-iit made himfelfe fubjeit. But faith as a condition, an Officer, an Instrument of jollification, fo it could not !land with Chritt, who was not to bee righteous by be- lieving, but to bee himfelfe the righteoufneffe of thole that believe. But in other refpeêts whenthe Apoftle faith, bee was heard in that which he feared, when bee faith himfelfe, My God, my God ; it is manifeft, that though he had not faith for righteoulnefle, yet he had it for deliverance, that though he were not Paved by believ- ing, yethee was obedient in believing. Secondly it is more to bee one with Chrill,than to be life him ; more to bee a part of him, than a piG-lure :now faith makes a unitie with Chrift,other graces only a refemblance ; faith makes a man a member, others onely a follower of him; and fo in that refpeel Rill Faith bath the prehemi- nence. Now then from the great neceffitie and retioufnefle of this duty wee may firit izaferre the greatneffe of their fin, who neglect it, who live with no feule of the want, and little foriow for the weaknefie of it, to lie, fweare, revell,cozen,to live in the practice of any notorious out- rage, and morall enormitie, many men eltee,me hainous and unworthy; But to live in infidelitie, without the know -