q.96 Ìhe Life o_Chrifi. roh. 3. 18.36 Notat Confian- t äam & pcnitál- fimane rei adhae fionem.Cames. ECa$ 541)8. Loh.' 6.8. knowledge or tellow(hip of Chrift in an utter unac- quaintance with their ovine unworthineffe, and uriexpe- rience of their everlafting infiifficiencies to compafle or contrive their owne falvation, are things feldome or ne- ver feriouily thought on by them. And yet infzdelitie is indeed the edge, and fling of all other Pnnes, that which bindes them and their guilt everlaftingly upon the foule , and locketh them like (hackles to the confci- ence,wh;ch otherwife by the help of Chrift might eafily fhake them off. lie that believeth,faith Chrift, is not con- demned, by ghat beliez'eth not is condemned already , and the wrath f god abideth on bins. There is a difpleafure which is but for a wo:ment,a wrath which doth only rag, and blow upon thi. foule, and then away ; tuch the faith - full thernfelves after tome bold adventure into the waies of liinne, may have experience of. And there is a wrath which is conftant,permaneiit,intimately and everla;ling- ly adherent unto the foule, which will feize onely upon unbelievers. The SpiritJhall convince the world offinne becaufe they believe not, faith Chrift. Sinne there Elands in oppoftion to righteoMfnef je, and lodgement, cr holinelfe; fo that the meaning is,The fpirit shall convince men that they are unrighteous and unholy men, held under by the guilt, condemnation, and power of tiene; (hut up in fait chaínes unto the wrath and judgement of the great day ; unavoidably caft and condemned in the Court of Law, becaufe they fled not by faith unto that office of mercy and reconciliation which the Father bath erreaed in his beloved Sonne. All fins do of them - ielves deferve damnation , but none doe de facto inferre damnation without infidelitie. This was that great pro- vocation in the W ilderneffe which kept the people out of the Land of Promife , and for which God is faid to have beene grieved fortie yeares together. How long will this people provoke me ? How long will it bee ere they believe in me ? they defpire4 the holy Land, they believed not