Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I The not his word ; they drew backward, and turned againe in their hearts into Egypt. The Apoffle fumnnes up all Their murmurings and provocations, for which they Were ex° eluded that type of heaven, in this one word,They entred not in J ì a;msicv, becaufe of their unbeliefe, If there be but one only medicine againfì a deadly difeafe,and when that is offered to the fìck p,. rfon he retufe it, and throw it under his feet ,the bate of that man is infallibly defpe- rate and,renaedileffe There is but one name, but one facrifice, but one bloud, by which we can be fasted, per - fe1ed, and purged for ever, and without which G o D can have no pleafure in us : how can we then efcape if wee neglet to great falvation, and trample under tbote the bloud of the Covenant ? It is a fruitlefle labour and au endlefle folly for men to ufe any other courtes (be they in appearance nsver fo fpecious, prohable,rigorous, mor- tified, Pharifaicall, nay angelicall) for extricating them - felves out of the. maze of finne, or exonerating their con - íciences of the guilt .or power thereof without faith, Though a man could fcourge out of his owne body ri- vers of blond, and in a neglect of himfelfe could outfalt Alofes or Elias ; though hee could weare eut his knees wich prayer,and had his eyes nail'd unto heaven; though hee could build hofpitals for all thepoore on the earth, and exhauli the Mines of India into aimes ; though he could walke like an Angell of light, and with the glitte- ring of an outward holineffe dazle the eyes of all behol- ders ; nay (if it were poffible to be conceiv'd) though he íhould live for a thouland yeares in a perfea and perpe- tual' oblervar ion of thewhole Law of God, his originali corruption, or any one, though the leali digreflion and deviation from that Law, alone excepted yet fuck a man as this could no more appease before the Tribunal' of Goc's Iuftice, than ílubble before a confirming fire. It is only Chrílc in the bulb that can keepe the fire from burn - ing; -It is onely Chrifi in the heart that can keepe hnne K k from 497 Heb i g.3'9 Ads. 7.39 Heb. 3 , :9. Afts4,iz: Heb.0.a4. Heb.9 jLi4.1 Heb.z.3.