498 lohn 1/.5, Heb.iL.r,a. iloh.S.4. Eph,g.6. The Life o f CGrill. from condemning. without me,that is,feparated from me, yee can doe nothing towards the julfification of your perfons, or íalvation of your foules3 or fantificati- on of your lives or natures. No burden can a man (hake off, no obflacle can bee bteake through, no temptation can hee overcome without faith ; [bake off every thing that prefeth down, and them Which hangeth fo fall on, land runne with patience (namely through all oppofitions and contradiuions,) the race that is fet before 'you, faith theApoiile.But how (hall we doe fuch unfea6ble works? Bee (hewes that in the next words, Apopci v7es, looking of from our [elves unto Ieftss the Author and fni/her odour faith. When a man lookts inward upon his owne flrength, he may as jut ly defpaire of moving (inne from his íoule, as of calling downe Mountaines with one of his Ping: rs : but he who is'able to give us faith, is by thatable to make all things pofble unto us. The world tempts with promifes, wages, pleafures of finne, with frowner; threats,and perfect7tions for righteoufneffe : If a man have not faith to fee in'Chriff more pretious pro - mifes, more Pure mercies, more full rewards, more a- boundant and everlailingpleafures : to fee in the frowns of God more terror,in the wrath of God more bitternes, in the threats of God more certainty, in the Law of God mor' curies, than all the world can load him wi,hall; impollible it is that he (hould (land under fuch allaules; for this is the viFlory which overcommeth the weld, tven 1 our faith , Satan difchargeth his fiery darts upon the foule, darts pointed and poyfoned with the venome of Ser- pents, which let the heart on fire from one lull to ano- ther : if a man have not put on Chriff,do not make ufe of the fhield of faith, to hold up his hart with the promifes of Victory, to hold out the triumph of Chri(t over the powers of death and darkneffe; to fee himfelfe under the proreStion of him who bath already throwne downe the Dragon from Heaven, who bath Satan in a chaiíie, andp