Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

( The Life ©f Chrí ft. sccAnwierxes and the keyes of the bottomlef a Pit in his owne com- mand ; to lay unto him, The Lord rebuke thee Satan,e-. ven the Lord that bath chofen Ierufalem rebuke thee ; impoflible it is to quench any of his temptations, or to Hand before the rage and fury of fo roaring a Lion. Whom reJft,faith S. Peter, fledfaß in the faith. Our corruptions fet upon us with our oNn ftrength, with high imaginati- ons,with ftrong reafonings,with lufifull dalliances,with treacherous folicitations, with plaufible pretences, with violent importunities,with deceitful promifes,with fear - full prejudices, with profound & unfearchable points and traines;on al fides luft airs and works within us like fpar- kies in a dried leafe, &lets every faculty againft it felf.The mind tempts it felf unto vanity,the underflanding tempts it felfe unto error and curiofity; the wil tempts it felfe un- to frowardnelfe and contumacie; the heart tempts it felfe unto hardnefle and fecurity. Ifa man have not faith, im- pofrible it is: either to make any requefts to God agaiuft bimfelfè, or to deny the requefts of finne which himfelfe maketh.It is faith alonewhich mua parifie the heart,and trufl his power and fidelity who is both willing and able to fHbdue corruptions. In vaine it is to f trive,except a than drive lawfully ,In a prayer,it is faith which muff make us fueceflefull : is the b word,it is faithwhich mull make us profitable :Inc obedience,it is faith which mutt make us cheerefull : in d afllictions,it is faith which mua make us patient:in e trials,it is faith which mua make us refolute: in f defertions, it is faith which mua make us comforta- ble : in g life,it is faith which mua make us fruïtfull :and in h death,it is faith which mua make us vielorious. So that as to faid of water,uçsar (A% v Jp,fo may f of laith,Ic is of all things themolt foveraigne and precious, becaufe it is of univerfall uf e in the life ofman. Therefore the A- poî }le calieth men without faith Abfurd men, becaufe it is an unreafonable and fottifh thing for a workman to be without his chiefe instrument, and that which is uni- K k 2 verfally 499 rTeter 5.9. Adsi5.9, Micha7. 19. la Iamcs i. 6,7 b Heb.4.z. c 1Gos.rS.58 d Heb. t o. 36, 38 eHeb.rr.33, 3 6 fECaF 50. r-o. Ionak 2.4. g Heb. i 0.3 8. hRom.9 37,38 iz Thef.3.z.