5 0 The Life o f Cbrif%. verfally requifite to every one of his works, AHusband- man without a plow, or a builder without a rule, a prea- cher without a bible,a Chrifiian without faith;ai,1 things. equally abfurd and unreafonable. Arid yet thus unreafo- nable are men ufually. By Faith Mofés repell'd and fled from the folicirations of his adulterous miffrefhe; and have they then faith that run upon temptati©ns of luÍT,let their hearts wallow in the i ecularions, and their bodies in the beds of uncleanneffe- ? Faith made David look to God when Shirnei reviled him ; and have they faith that dart out oathes, fiabbes, and execrations at once againi} their enemy and againi} God ? Faith made 21L ah when he was warned of God to feare, and.7ofaah to tremble at his Word; and have they faith who mocke the meffen- ger% and delpife the Word, and mifùfe the Prophets,and reject the remedies, and fleight the times of their peace and vilitation which God gives them ? Faith made IA"; braham put afword to the throat of hisbeloved foci, the Sonne of bleffing, and the Sonne of proinife; and have they then faith who will not f;critice a fiin'tinglui }, nor part from a prodigious vanitie when God requires;it ? Q what a world of f'weetnes & clofenes is there in fin to our nature, when men love a lufi, a rag, a faillion, :an excre- ment, better than Abraham did his Sonne Ifaac. Faith made C..Mofes Cutler rather the reproaches of Chrifl than the riches ©f Egypt ;- and have they faith, who had ra- ther bee witi-,out Chrift than their profits an 1 plealures ;. who f ibordinate the bloud,the fpirir,the will,the wayes, the glory of Chrifi totheir.eatthlie defignes and bate re- folutions ? Bÿ faith. beefeare.d not the wrath of a`King.; and have they faith whafeare:the breath of foole;, and would faine be religions, if it did not difcredit them,and cruih their arts of complrance, plaufibilitie; and ambiti- on ? Thus. every fanne wilful:y committed isback'd and ffrengthened will- inlìdeiicy. If men did.by faith fee him e ;hat is invifible unapproachable lights, and a confu- ming