The I.l:fe af C'hrfl. wing fire ; fee the fword in his left hand to revenge ini., quítie, and the Crowne in his right hand to reward holi- neffe ; looke upon his judgements as prefent in his rower, and upon his glory as prelent in his promít'es ;It could not bee that they (hould goe on in fuch outrages againii him and his Law. Know yore not, faith the Apoille,that neither fornicators, nor Idolaters, nor Adsdlterers,nor effeminate, nor abnfers of themfelves with mankind, nor theeves, or covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners ¡ball inherit the kmgdome of Clod ? Nothing but faith can unbinde ani unlock thefe fins from the foule,and by faith not only their guilt, but their power and dominion is re- moved and fubdued. A fecund ufe and inference from this Dot tine is to enflame the heart to feeke for faith as for a precious jewel, or a hidden treafure. Men are.never facísfied with earthly treafures, though oftentimes they heape them up for the laft day : How much morecarefullMould they be to lay up a good foundation for the time tó come, that they may obtaine eternail life? Great encouragement we may have hereunto upon thefe confiderations. Firfi, the more faith a man bath, the more comfort bee may take in all the good things which he Both enjoy. He may looke upon them as the witneffes of Gods truth and promifes, as the tokens of his love, as the acceflìons and lupernumerary accruments untó his Kingdome, as the fupplies and daily provilons of a Father which careth for us. Secondly, the more faith a man bath, the more fecurity he bath againtk all evils, he may undergoe them with pati- ence, with a hope,with b joy, with c triumph, with d pro- fit. He may look upon them as a needfull things, as f pre - tious things, as g conformities unto Chrift his Head, as the h feeds of peace, righteoulr;effe and praifes; As raine though it make the way toule,yet it makes the Land fruit - full K k 3 Thirdly, SOI I Cor. 6.9,Ió Imes 5.3. I Tim.6.i9. Matth.6.3 z. a Rorn. 5.1,4. b lames 1.b,; cRom.8.; 7,38 t Cor.1555 27.8,9, elPeerl.6. f 1 Peter 1.7. g Pet 4.13, h Deut. 8. i 6. Heb. 1 z.. 1 I.