1® /Helms ;s, 33 k ózâp.iSzY óp cc?,u4 c9 o- cá u4.l1, TZi 70 , ct9 7457; caJ} cwoíd, Ntz'Nwy r d fd OQ7p xA.. vsdi+ i99'741 rmAax41!v7a- .rv, á ry,TCì s n,, ;Yss úH G 7r14GJÇ d3nArx ,ún, 7á .914x. 7 h.odnr.de cur. grá t. , ffee? S 0 1 71 . 1. mrreuer. :41und4sd-ii. Aug: il 51 S Gr-7[C 7a 1 S: lern. A!e.r. -Stro?9. '. S. jt, Lim ;.2,6,;:, (yPral;7.5. 'Me Life of thrtli. Thirdly, the more faith a man bath, the more certaine and v.iaorious will his conquelts beagainft his enemies tbatwvhich: by faith we rely upon, and put ona will bee impregnable munition, and impenetrable armour to fe- cure us. The love, the blond, the companions, the temp- tations of Chrifl, i thefe by faith apprehended havepul. led dovvne Walls, 'fubdued Kingdomes, flopped. the mouth of Lions, quenched the vidlence of fire, efcaped the eige of the fword, and turned'tb flight the armies of the e.ilien.r. Fourthly, the more faith a man bath, the more intight bee bath into.. Chrifl, and tholè myfleries of falvation which the k Angels delire to lookeinto. .1 with is tike eye, s 4inoiitb; m and {' eate nfl tha.íoule, ixy.whigh we peepe tbraugh the' curtaiaes of :inortahty -; und:.:takeoi view. and:foretafl.e of heavenly things, whereby we há ve amore .fecset andintirnate communion with God in his Çoívetiarits., .Promities , PreceptsT :in his will; guidingus illy ;Ctuá(e111; and Um his face,..corrífartiza us -With his fa- Fifthly, the more faith a-rrran ha-th:themore tranquil. licyand eitablithsxzent of heart {hall hee finde in tht midfi of all fpiricuall defertions, .difiraótions and difficulties. When :a thins: wire ar non plus'd, his reafon pos'd, his contris aices and couufelsdifappointed, his heart clouded with forrow, and fease e when he walketh in darknefle, and bath no light p.then to have a Sanóuary, an Altar to flie unto; to have a God to role himfelfe upon, to leane upon his W iíedome, to lay hold upon his Cove= raar,t, to ° waite quietly upon the Salvation of that God, who cloth not caf} off far ever ; but though hee caufe griefe, yet will have compaflion according to the multi ude of his mercies i to commit his way to him who is ! able to bring_it to gaffe, and to doe abundantly above the thoughts, tidies, exp etatzons, or petitions of men : what peat.° and ferenity muff this bee to the Soule which 411ingaill