The Life of Chrft, 503 which is otherwife without light and peace ? Laftly, the more faith a man bath, the more jov and glory bee bath in fpirituall, the more co:ìtentment aiid quietnefle in earthly things. Being jaftified by faith, wee have peace with God ; in whom beleeving, we rejoyce with joy angjieakeable,and íu11 of glory. Letyour converfation bee without covetoufneIfe, and be content with fuck things as you have, far he hath faid, I will not fade thee, nor for - fakg thee. Earthly mindednef e and worldly cares grow out of want of faith. In thefe and a world the like re- fpe6ts fhould we be moovsd to feeke for this grace : and that fo much themore carefully, becaufe the heart is of it fel fe barren, and therefore very unfit to have a Lorraine. plant grow in it; very apt to over -top it with lulls and vanities. We mull therefore be diligent to make. our af- furance full and certaine ; diligent in the Word o f faith, and with the f jiirit of faith. Be ye not j'lothfsell, faith the Apoftle, bat followers of them who through faith and pa- tience inherit the Prom fes. Laf}ly, we mull doe with faith, as men do with preti- austhings, Try it, and put it to the touchflone, that wee may prove whether it bee trucly valuable and'unfeined ; becaufe there is much counterfeite faith, as there is falfe mony, and deceitfull jewels, and wild herbes in the field, which very neerely refemble thofe that are right and pure. This is an argument which hath been much travail'd in by men of more learning and fpirit ; and therefore I will but touch upon it, by confidering foure principall effeáfs of this Grace. The firft is a love and liking of thofe fpirituall truths which by faith the heart of enteth unto : for according as is the evidence and pretioulhefle of the thing helee- ved, fuch is the meafure of our love unto it. For faving faith is an aftent with adherence and delight, contrary to that of Devils, which is with trembling and horror ; and that delight is nothing elle but a kind of rellifh and expe- K k 4 rience tZom s. a. i Peter g. B. Heb. r 3 . t Peter 1.10. Raira.' o. 8. . Cor. 4.1 ;. Heb. 6, i z.