50+ I he Life of Chrifl. óovv)%)7ìu0V Æ57 To 727576%o U.SjVOV 77-41.; 7óI' xaráJ xJ°Z) avv ci ?a rrcG 1 ?[?tiT3V óa}a- rwvTGùgc- Reenv rTú pgßr#). DO. Mart. ..Qu. tJ;- thod:7x. 98. a Eph. s.s . Rutn.55>3. John 4. a 6. Cant. S.to, 16. b toh;b 4.19, Eph.6,z4. dRom. 7.4. Mitth. 10.i7 Luke a4. s6, c Deuc.a 3.6,9 perien,e of th; goodneffe of that.truth which wee Sent unto.. Whereupon it neceffarily follevees even from the . di'; }ate of nature ( which inflruaeth a man to love that which worketh in him comfort and delight) that fróm this aflent mutt ari fe a love of thole truths whence fuch fweecneffe doch iffue. By the firft aFt of faith wee appre- hend God a reconcileable God, by thefecond areconci- led God ; for faith fhewes us . a Gods love.to,us in Chri$, propofcth him as altogether lovely, the chiefefl of tenne thouland,.and thereby oegetteth in us a love unto Chrift againe,: and this love is a fiicere, uncorrupted, immor- talLlove ; a con jugall and fuperlative love ; nothing mutt bee loved in competition with Chrifl ; every thing mutt bee rejected and cart away, either as a fnere when hee hates it, or as a Sacrifice when he calls for it. Therefore God required the neerefl of a mans bloudin force ca- fes to throw the firfl[lone at an Idolater; to thew, that no relations thould preponderate, or over !way our hearts from his love. Chrifl and earthly things often come into competition in the life of a man. In every unjufl gaine,c;hrrtl and a bribe,. or Chrifl and cruelty; in ,every oath or execration,. Chrill and a blafphemy; in ce very finfull fafhion, Chrill and a ragge, or Chrifl and an excrement; in every vaine-glorious-.afie Cation, Chrifl and a blaIl; in every intemperancy, Chrifl and a vomit, a fla`ger; a shame, a difeafc. O where is that faith in men which ihould overcome the world, and the things of the world ? Why Ihould men delight in any thing while they live, which when they lie on their death-beds (a time ,fj,eedily approaching) they (hall never bee able to refle61_on with comfort, nor to recount without amaze- ment and horror ? Certainely he that fotlers any D46l4 or darling tuft againft the will and command of Chrift, well m y bee delude himfelfe with fooliQ7 conceits that flee loves the Lord lefus ; but let him he allured,. that though he may be deceived, yet rod will not bee mock - ed