Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. 505 ked ; not every one that faith, Lord, Lord, (hail be ac- counted the friends of Chriil, but they who keepe his Commandements. The lecond etfea of faith is Affiance and Hope,confi- dently for the prefent rely ing on the goodneffe, and for the future _waiting on the power of God, which fhall to the full in due time.performe,. what in his word hee bath promifed..I have let life and death before you, faith Ma- Deut.3 0.20, fes to the people, That thou miff love the Lord thy God, a Cor.5.6. and that thou mayfít obey his voyce, and that thou mayfíI cleave Unto him, &c. We are confident, :faith the Apotlle, { knowing that whilff we are at home in the body we are a6- feat from the Lord. When once the minde of a man is wrought fo to affent unto divine promifes made in Chriil as to acknowledge an interell, claime, and propriety un- to.them, and that to be at ¡ail aftually performed, not by a man, who may bee fubjeil both to unfaithfulneffe in keeping, and difability in performing his promifes, but by Almighty God, who the better to confirme our faith in him, bath both by word and oath engaged his fidelity, and is altogether omnipotent to doe what he bath purpo- fed or promifed : Impolhble it is but from fuch an affent grounded on the veracity and all- fufficiency of God,there fbould refult in the nninde of a faithful' man, á confident dependance on fuch Promifes : renouncing in the meane time all felfe- concurrencie, as in it felfe utterly impotent, and to the fulfilling o filch a worke, as is to bee by Gods owne Omniptency effe led , altogether irrequifite : and refolving in he midil of temptations to rely on him; to hold fail his mercy and the profefiîon of his faith with- out wavering, having an eye to the recompençe of re ward, and being affured that he who hith protnifed,will certaintly bring it to paffe. A third effeE' of faith is joy and peace of con resence : Being j #%fi fled by faith wee have peace with god. The I Rom. t 5.13. God of peace fill you with a l joy and peace in beleeving.T he mina