41.11111011111111101% The Lifeof jhri (1. 1 mind is by the rellith and experience of fweetneiie in Gods ?romiiès, compofed unto a fetled calmeneffe and ferenity. I doe not meanc a Dead peace, which is onely an immobility and ileepineffe of Confcience, like the ' reif of a dreaming man on the top of a Mail, but filch a peace as a man may by a Syllogifme of the praálicall Judgement upon right examination of his owne intereti unto Chriil, fafely inferre unto himfelfe. The wicked of- ten have an appearance of peace as well as the faithful', but there is a great difference. For there is but a doore be- tweene a wicked man and his fin which will certainely one day open, and then finne at the doore will flye upon the Soule : but betweene a faithful' man and his finne there is a wall of fire, and an immoveable and impreg- nable fort, even the merits of Chrift : the wicked mans peace growes out of Ignorance of God, the Law, him - felfe : but a righteous mans peace growes out of the knowledge of God, and Chrift. So that there are two things in it,Trasspillity,it is a quiet thing,and f renity,it is a cleare and diitinet thing. However,if a faithful' man have not prefent peace (becaufe peace is an effe6 not of the 6rí} and direr but of the fecund and reflexive a6t of faith) yet there is ever with all faith the feed of peace,and a refolution to feeke and to fue it out. The lafl effea of faith which I (hall now ipeake of is fruaif cation ; faith worketh by love. And it worketh firft, Repentance, whereby we are not only to underftand griefe for finne, or a (elite of the weight and guilt of it, Which is only a legali thing (if it proceed no farther) and may goe before faith ; but hatred of fin, as a thing con - trary to that new fpirit of holineflëand grace, which in ChriIt wee have received. For as fenfe of fin as a curfeá thing (which is Iegall humiliation) doth rife from that faith whereby wee beleeve and affent to the truth of God in all his threatnings (which is a legal' faith:) fo the abominati ng of finne as an uncleane thing and con- trary