he Life of (h0. trary to the Image and holinefiè of God (which is Evan - gelicall repentance) doch arife from Evangelical) faith, whereby we Tooke upon God. as mofa merciful], moll ho- ly, and therefore molt worthy to bee imitac,ed and fer. ved. Secondly, novation, and that twofold. Firit,in- ward in the constitution of the heart which is by Faith purified. Secondly, outward in converfation and pra- dice, when a man out of the good treafure of his heart bringeth forth good things, and as hee bath received the Lord Iefus fo walketh in him. Now in all our obedience wee mutt obferve theee three kules ; Firft, that binding power which is in the Law, Both folely depend upon the authority of the Lawgiver who is God, He that cu- itomarily, and without care of obedience, or feare of dif: pleafure, or antipathy of fpirit,breaks any one Comman7 .dement, ventures to violate that authority which by one and the fame ordination made the whole Law equally bidding, and by confequence is habitually, and in pra pa- ratione animi a tranfgreflor of the whole Law. And then- fore Obedience mull not bee partial! but unsver[all, as proceeding from that faith which bath relpect equally to all Gods will, and lookes upon him as molt true and molt holy in all his Commands. Secondly, as God, as his Law is a fpiritasall and a perfeEE La*, and therefore requires an inward univerfality of the fubjed, as well as that other of the Precepts which wee walke by, I meant fuck a fpirituall and fincere oáedi -nce of the heart,as miV, without any mercinary or referv'd refpe1s, uniformely fway our whole man unto the fame way and end. Third_ ly, In every Law all matter Homogeneall and of the fame kind with the particular named, every (prig, iced, origi- nali of the duty is included, as all the branches of aTrce belong to the fame flock. And by thefe rules wee are to examine the truth of our obedience. Befo, e I draw downe three premifes to .a particular Affì:mpticn and Application, I. muff or cauti:in, fake premise 5a7