Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

he Life of C.brift 109 lèeke the Lord : Tc refolve as the Lepers in the famine ,at Sarnatia,. not to continue in the !late he is in, 4ìor yet to returne to the Citie, to his wonted haunts and wayes, where he {hall be lure to perifh : and from this refoluti- on a man cannot by any difcomforts bee removed, or made, to bethinke .limfeife of any other new gray, but that which l ee. fees ispogible andprobable, and Iwl ,hey knower, i re. t, be finde acceptance, he ILall have iupplyes and lice eruough : and this açl may confìll with much feare, doubt, and trembling. The Syrians had food,, and Samaria had none, therefore the Lepers re. fo:ve có veìarure abroad. Yet this they cannot doe, without. muchdoutting and dillrufl, becaufe the, Syrians-, whom .they_ thould, meete. with were their enemies, 'However this refolution over -rul'd them, becaufe in . ebeir`prefent elate, they were fureto perish, in the o- i tiler there was roome for hope,and of living ; and that carried them to Eft hers rjplfition :Jf we perill.a, : we per:ilh : inch is the Atl of Faith in this prelim cafe. It is well,allured that in the cafe.a man ís in, there is no- thing,but:,death, to bee expeâed,; therefore it makes him refolve to relinquilh that. It h okes upon God as plenteous in power and mercy, and f0, lil(ely to fave, arid: yet it fees him' too as a4m'd witliluihce alight Panne, jutlly pi ovo ed and wearied .in =his patience. ;:. and ttierfore may feare,to be rejeEed.and not laved alive. Yet becaufe in the former hate there is a certainety to perifh,and in the later a poffibility not to peritli,therefore from hence at ileth a third aa, a conclusive and porr ive purpofé; to tcuít Chrifl,. I will not deny all other rA ayes, but .I will refolve to trie this way, to let about ir, to goe tto himthat hath plenty.of redemption and Life. If I mull periíh,_} et He !hall reje me ; i will not r.ejea ., my felfe,, I will goe unto H: m. And this ail or refoluti- on of Faith is built upon there grounr's. Firli, becaufe. Gods Love and free Grace is the firíi originali sial. r. i6: zClue30.19..