Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

ir he Life of (haft . There is nothing in us of which wee may pafI in the matter of Salvation, and therefore there is nothing in us which fhould make us defperateor flee from God : for all the ;gradations and progreflcs of our Salvation are a- lone from His Grace: Secondly, becaufe there is an All-fufficiencie in the righteoufneffe and merit's of Chriff, h To cleanfe all fin, i To confinnmate all Our fáltvation, to fubdue all our, ene- mies, k To anfwerallont ohj,eaigns, to filençeAall chal 'lengesand charges that are~laidagainft us. Thirdly, becaufe of the manifold experiences, which many other grievous tanners, have ,f.Qutytj of the fame, love and All- Iuiliciency. When Faith lookes upon a conver- ted Manafc, upon a thief e tranflated into Paradife,upou a perfecutor turned into an Apoftle;. and when it confi- ders that God 1 hath a refìdtre of fpirit íh11, that the blond of Chriff is an inexhaulted fountaine, and that thefe ípcaacles of Gods compaffion are in the Scriptures exhibited, that m wee through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope, and that God in them did thew forth all long fuffering for a lsatterne to thofe who fhould afcerbeleeve in Hiram: It then makes a man reflect inward upon himfelfe,. and refolve to trie that gate, at which they have entred before, , Fourtbly,becaufe there is a generalitie an fl unlim ted- neffe in the Invitationunto Chrilt. ° Coast unto mee all' that are wearie. P Let every one that will come. There is in Chrilt erected an Office of Salvation, a heavenly 'Chancery of equicie and mercy, not onely to.raoderate. the rigor; but to reverfe and revoke the very a61s of the Law, Chrift is 9fet forth or propofed,openly. as rla; Santuary, and f enfigne for the nations to fire,unto ; and;' He bath fent His 1 Ambaiadors abroad to warne, and to invite every man. As a Fountain is open for,any h r b)I1, i.'. i Heb..z5. Rom.8.31i3z: rraROTTI. rq,4. ra i Tirxi.t,r6, oMat.rr a8.: 2 Rom. 3 z 5. Mrs 1 3 47= Pfalm. z. 6. :fay; f Efay 18.7. man to drinke, and a fchoole for any man to learne, and t Marke ¡6x , the Gate of a Cstie:for any man to ente.,.,.änd,.Cour c of Eqúitié