5 I aC or. s, z.o. ra Ter. ;1.34. x ler. 33.z1. y Ier.3z..43,33 z. o. iIèr, 3 t.33. 3 y,39 Ezek. t 1.19, zo, 36, z6,27 dHcb.7.z.,s, 6 bloh.ly.z. C Eph.1 4. d Ioh.10.13. `[he Lif o f Chrif Equitie for any man to relieve himf elfe : fo Chrif} is pub- likely and univerfaily let forth as a generali refuge from the wrath to come, upon no other conditionthan.itich a wif l as is not otìely ileíirdus to enjoy His mercy, but tQ filbmit to His Kingdome, and glorifiethe:poA-er of His Spirit and Grace in -new obedience. . . Fifthly, becaufe God l4imfelfe workes the worke and the will in us. For in the 31Lro Covenant Gos} vorl es firf }: In the firf z Covenant inan- was'able by his crea- ted and naturali strength to vvorkehis owrie condition, and fo to expect} Gods performance : Butin theNew, as there is difference in the things.covenanted, then only righteoulàeff and Salvation, now °semi fipls of finne.r and adoption ; ii1 the x trreànes -w or ntermer iate.:làaufès, hich are now y Chritt Aid his righteoufnef e andspi- rit; .. in the z t}bility, thatta-perithabié, this an eternall and finali Covenant, thatan never be changed ; in the conditions, there legal'. obedience, here only faith, and the certaine confequent thereof repentance. :.So likewife is there' dìffërence in the tnanner of performing.tlhefe conditïoris` = fár now:' G.4 `o` Hinifelfekteginnes tirs} to worke "upon 'us and inns; before we mòve or itirre to- wards Him. Hee doth not - oryelyz command- us, and leave us to our created ftrength to obey be Command, but Heifurniftigh us with His-own e Grace. and Spirit to fulfìil` the cálianct . 'and when Hee.bidst#y come unto i n He lòthlikeinv fedráw us tun oHirzr. In this Co veiva'nt the firft 7-144tie is betweene God and Ghrit}. 'For th6figh the Covenatrtbef etweene God and us; yet -the negotiation and tr nifadion of it isbetween4- God añcl Cbrill, who was 4 a fìr'r'ety of tyreCovenánt for to.; For, firft God in,Hisdcree of I,ove:bef}owed tisupon- C;hrií }, b (Thine they lvere, and thou gavefl them unto mej wee:'were c cti -9fén i I-Is`m : we tobee members in I Him,. and he to be a Hekefand Focintaine unto u's of all grace and glory:-' koi {°4Codrbad comititte<lslat° Hm Ioh, t4.14. : _ an