514 `I he l`Ve of Ghrifs fsndes his heart opened to attend, and his will ready to obey the call when he is made defirous to feare Gods Name and prepared to lecke His face, ready to fubfcribe and beare witnefle to all Gods .wayes and methods of laying ; That He is righteous in His judgements, if Hee lhould condemner- wonderful' in His patience, when He dQth forbeare ; mighty in His power3,wifedome, and mercy, when Hee Both convert ; unfèarchable -in the riches and treafùres of Chrift, when hee doth jaflióe; molt holy, pure and good in all His commands ; the So- .veraigne Lord of our perfons and lives to order and dif- F ófe them at His will ; on the fenfe and experience of h fe worker loth grow that concluflón and refolution to cleave to Chrift. Lilly, becaufe this ad of Faith is our dutie to -God : As we maycome to Chrift becaufe we are called, fo wee swift come, becaufe we are commended. For as Chrifl e lohn 10.18. was e commanded to lave us, fo we are f commanded to f r John 3.z4 beleeve in Him. From thefe and the like confiderations ar.ifeth a purpole to rely on Chrift. But yet fill this pur- pofe at firft by the mixture of finne, the pragmaticalneffe and importunitie of Satan in tempting, the unexperience of the heart in trials, the tenderneffe of the fpirit, and frefh fight and reflexion, on the fate of finne, is :very weake and confifteth with much feare, doubts, trepida- tion, fhrinking, cf, it felfe. And therefore though all other effeáls flow in great meafure from it, yet that of comfort, and calmeneffe of fpirit, more weakly ; be- caufe the heart being molt bufied in fpirituall debate- 'rents, prayers, groanes, contlic'ts, ftruglings of heart, 1anguifhing, and fighing importunities of fpirit, is not at leifure to refleát on its own tranílated condition,or in the feeds time of teares to reape a harveft of joy. As a tree., new planted is apt to bee bended at every touch or blaft of wind e, or Children new borne to cry at every turne aid ,nnyfe,, fon ien in their firf} cgnverfign,are ufually mot.;