Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

`I he Life of Ghri f Vs' more retentive of fearefull, Than of more comfortable imprefrons. The !ail aet then of faith is that reflexive àil, where - 'by a man ,knoweth his owne Faith and Knowledge of Chrift,which is the aflurance of faith upon which the joy and peace of a Chriftian Both principally depend ; and hath its feverall differences and degrees according to the evidence and cleerenefie of that retle6tion. As beautie is more diftinuly rendered in a cleere, than in a dimme and difturbed glaffe; fo is comfort more diftin6t and evident acording to the proportions of evidence and aífurance in .Faith. So then to conclude with this gene - rail rule; according as the habits of faith are more firme and radicated;the aGs more ftrong,conftant and evident; the conqueits and experiences more frequent and fuc- cefiefull; fo are the properties more evident,and conipicu- ous. For the meature and magnitude of proper paflìon and effect, doth ever follow the perfeaion of the nature aid caufe whence it proceeds : And therefore every man as he tenders either the love and obedience he owes to God, or the comfort he delires in himfelfe to enjoy, mutt labour to attaine the higheft pitch of Faith, and {till with Saint Paul to grow in the knowledge of him and his RefurreEtion and tufferinvs. So then upon tiefe premifes the heart is to examine it felfe touching the truth of faith in it. Doe I love all Divine truth, not be- caufe it is proportionable to my delires, but conforma- ble unto God who is the Author of it ? CAI I in all e- ita es without murmuring, impatiency, or rebellion, cat} my Icife upon Gods mercy, and truft in Him though He lhould kill me ? Doe I wholly renounce all felfc confi- dence and dependance, all worthii eí e or concurrence Of my felfe to righteoufnefle ? Can I willingly, and in the truth and fincerrty of my heart, owne all flume and lcondemnation, and a-quit God as molt righteous and holy if He fhould rejel me ? Doe I not build either my p L 12 hoes