The .ß,íf e o.Gjrif. that Faith is a certaine á !Tent, and that even ar_;ove the ,,-gain. certaintie of meere natural! conclulions, is on all hands qu.a. art. b. I thinke conftf ed : becaufe, how ever in regard of our Greg. val. Tr,Y78.j. Dif7.i. weakneffe and diftrufl, we are often fubjeet to flagger, .3 Dr . yet in the thing it lelfe, it dependeth upon the infallibr- 9quin. a.iæ. late of Gods owne Word, who bath faid it, and is by q. I; eat 4. confequesrGe neerer unto him who is the fountaine of all truth, and therefore muff needs mere (Bare in the proper - ties of truth, which are certainty and eviïeence, than any proved by meere nattarall reafons : and the affent produced by it is differenced from fùfpition, heftancy9 dubitatron in the opinion of Schoolmen themielves.Now then in asmuch as wee are bound to yeeld an evident af- fent unto divine truths, .neceflàry hereunto it is "that the underftanding be convinc'd of thefe two things. First, that`Gdd sift iñfäl'ible authority; and cannot lye nor deceive (Which thing is a principle by the light of nature: evident and unqueitioned.). Secondly, that this:authori- tÿ which in faith I rely upon is in.leed and infallibly Gods owneauthority. The meanes whereby I come to know that may bee either extraordinary, as revelation, fuch as was made by-the Prophets concerning future events; or elfe ordi- nary and common to the faithful This the Papilis fay . is the authority of -the Church. Againft which if one would difpute much might bee laid. Briefly (granting fift unto the Church a minif}r.riall, introductory, per - fwafive, and conducting concurrence in this w ork,poin- ting unto the flare, which yer it felfe ihineth by its own light, reaching forth .and exhibiting the light, which Aug. de dollrin. though in it felfe vifible, could not bee fo ordinarily to clrrif l. leb. z. in mee, unlefle thus preffnted; explaning the evidence of picam. ttiole truths unto which I affent for their owne intrinfe- call certainty :) I doe here demand how it is that each man comes to beleeve ? The Colliar will quickly make a wife anfwer, as the Church beleeves. But now how L 3 or 51,7