Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

5i8 ÌbeLfeof Cbri.f. fohu 5.3 t, t lohn 2. 27. ioPin t Peter 2.9, s Cos.z ia, t. lohn '4. t 3. t Iohn3.z4. or 'why loth the Church beleeve tilde or theft truths to be Divine ? Surely not beLaufe the Chi rch lath lo deter- mined ; our Saviour Himfelfe would not bee to belee- ved. If I beare record of my /elfe, ray record is not trite. \yell thee, the Church mull needs beleeve by the fpiric which leads it into all truth. And what is the Church, but the Body of Chr. ifl, the congregation of the faithfull, conlifling of divers members ? And what w orke is that whereby the Spirit doth illuminate and raife the under - ltanding to perceive aright divine truth, but onely that Oyntment which drrelleth you,faith the Apo(lle,wher- by Chrifls [beep are enabled to heart Hi.r voyce, *Tat- ters of more Heavenly and fundamentall coníècl.ience,. and to .cfiitinguitli the lame from the voyce of Aran.. . gers? Now, have not all the faithfull of thrs unction ? Doch it-uot runne downe from the head tó the skirts of the garrbènt ? Are we not all a royal/ 'PrieFi -hood ? and in both tilde refpecis annointed by the Spirit ? And hau-. ing all the Spirit, (though in different meafiresand de- grees) is it not in congruity probable that we have with: Him received thofe vivificall and illightning operations which come along with him ? Capable is the poorefl member in Chrifls Church, being growne to maturitie, of yeeres, of infhrmatïon in the faith. Strange therefore it is, that the fpirit, not leaving mee dellitute of other quickning graces, íhould in this onely leave my poore foinle to travel! as fàrre as Rome, to fee that by a candle, or rather by an ignis fatuas, which himlelfe might more evidently make knowne unto me. For the Spirit doth beget knowledge..WWe have received the fpirit which is of God,that we might kyow the things which arefreelygiven to ne of ccd. n rid againe, Hereby we know that we dwell in Him, and He in its, beta ife he bath given tit of His. Spirit. Anu againe, Hereby we know that Flee abided; in t us, by the, Spirit which He loath given us : E(pecially fince