The Lilt' of Lhri lince wee mutt cake even the determinations of the Church and Pope,(though they were infallible in them- felves) at fecond hand_ as they pafle through the mouth of a Prieft, whole authority, being not infallible, nor '.Apoltolicail, but humane, impoflîble it is not but that he may mifreport His holy Father, and by that meanes'mil :guide and delude an unfetled foule. Agatne I demand, How Both. it appeare unto rnee thbat the judgement of the Church is infallible, when it alone is the warrant of my Faith ? That this is it fe4fe no principle, nor to the light of natura reafon prime in- tuitu =idea ex evidentia terminorssm,is molt certaine. For that this company of men fhould noterre, when o- ther companies of men' may erne, cannot poffibly he im- int.diately and per fe evident, -line there mutt firlt needs a priori be difcovered fome internal' aiflecence beewe; n thofe men, from whence, as from an antecedent princi- ple, this difference of erring or not erring muff needes grow. Now then I demand, what is that whereby I doe af- lent unto this propolition (in cale it werettrue) That the Church cannot erre ? The Church it felfe it cannot bee, lince nothing beares record of it lelfe, and if it thou d, the proofe wou,d bee more ridiculous than the opinion, being but idem per idem, and petitio gmeflionit. Above the Church a Priori there is not any 1 ght but the Scrip- tures and the fpirit. Therefore needs by thefè mull I af- lent unto that one propoficion at leaft. And i unto th It by there, why then by the fame light may I no affent unto all other divine truths, lince evident it is, that the fame light which enables me rightly to apprehend one objca, is fufficient alto to any other, for which a Lefler light than that is prefumed to tuffice ? So then a :rue faith hath its evidence and certainty grounded upon the Au- thority of the word, as the inftrument, and of the fpirit of I God railing and quickning the foule to attend, and ac- L i 4 know-