he Life of Ghrífl . knowledge the things therein revealed, and to fet to its -'owne leale unto the truth and goodneffeof them. But how doe I ;,now either th s Word tobeGods Word, or tuts 1pirit to be Çiods Spirt r, fierce there are fandry taIf e and lying Epirus ? : I ani ver, lirf ad Homànem, there are many.particular Churches, and B.iihops, which take themlelvts to bee equally with Rome members, and Bt. (hops of the univerfall Church, How Ihall it invinci %ly appeare to my C:onlcience that other Churches and Bt- (hops all,favc this onel.y, doe or may erre ? and that this, which will have me to beleeve her infallibility, is not her felfe an heretical) and revolted Church. This is a que- Ytion controverted. By what authority that it be decided, .or into what principles á priori tab] ved ? and how (hall the evidence of thofe principles appeare to the Confci. ence ? That the Popes are fuccef fors of `Teter in his fee of Rome, that they are do6tr:inall as well as perfonall fuc- cefors,_that `Peter did there fit as moderator of the Ca.. thol,ke Church, th2t his infalli bility iliould not flicke to his chaire at Antioch, as well as to that at -Rome ; that Chrit1 give him a principality, jurifdiEtion,and Apofile- (hip to have to hinafelfe over all f others, and to leave to his fur ce %rs.;who though otherwife privat men,and not any of the pen -men of the Holy Ghot, should yet have after him a power over thofe Apoffles who furvived Peter (as it is manifeft lohn did.) That the Scripture doch fay a- ny title of all this, that the traditions wit' do fay it are a divine word,are al controverfed points: and though there be forceries more than enough in the Church of Rome, yet I doubt whether they have yet enough to conjure themfelves out of chat circle,which the agitation of there quef}ions doe carry them in. But fecondly, there are fun- dry lights, there is light in the Sun, and there is light in a blazing or falling itarre. How shall I difference there: lights will you fly ? iurely I know not otherwife than by the lights themselves; undoubtedly the fpirit brings-a proper