Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

be Life of Chr1t.. proper, dillinclive, uncommunicable Majefiy and lufter ;into the foule, which cannot be by any falfè spirit coun- terfeited : and this 1j irit cloth open 6rí1 the eye, and then the Word,and Both i:n that difcover not as Mitt' verita- tis thole naarkes of truth and certainty there, which are -as apparent as the light, which is without any other me- diurn, by it fèlfe d.f erned. Thus then we fee in the generall,That frying faith is an äfr. nt created bytlìe word and 1pirit. We mull note fur. tier that this knowledge is twofold, t Generall,mentall, fpeculdtive, and this is limply neceflàry, not as a part of faxing faith,hut as a medium, degree,and paffage t hereun- to. For how can men beleeve'Without a teacher ? 2. Par - ticu'ar, pruat 'call , e.ipplicative which c.irries the - foule to Christ and there 6xeth ir. To-whom¡1,all wegoe . thon haft the words of -eternall life free beleeve and are fure that thou art that ChrW. I know that my Redeemer liveth, That yee being rooted and grounded in L ove,may be able to comprehend, and to know the Love of Chrift. 1 live by the faith of the Son of God,who loved me,and gave himfelje for mee. By his knowledge fhall my righteoMe fervant juftifie many. This Paving knowledge muff bee commenfurate to the objet} known; and to the ends for which it is inflituted, which are Chrift to be made ours for righteoufneflè and falvation Now Chrifi is no pro poled as an objet} of bare and naked truth to bee afheii ed unto, but as a Soveraigne and laying truth to c'oe good uro men. He is propofed, as the DOre of all flefh: it is the heart which heleeves; With the heart man belçevcth unto righteoufne ere, and Chrift dwelleth by faith in the heart ¡If tbou beleeveft with ail thine heart thou mat-1 be baptised, And the heart cloth not only looke for truth but for goodneffe in the objets which it delireth, for a.n al- fufficiencie and adequate group. of full fatisfàc} ion to the appetirt s of the foule ; fuch a compafe of good neffe as upon which the whole man in ;y reif, and relie, and unto 521 Rom.I0 i4,15' Lohn 6.G 8,69 I rb 19.2 y. Eph 4.' 3,3,,7' 18. G11.2.. 2.o. tray S3. II. Hig. z.7. Rom. 10.m. lr ph.3.17. Ads 8.37.