52,1 aRom.ro.14 LCOr.4..13. GI Cor.i4.2,4. I0h.16, 8. c Rom. 10. 1 4. Heb. i 3 S I Chro.I7.zf dRom..i..LI. e I Toh z.;. L Till .I.IL. f Rona, I.1 7. z Pec, 3.18. I he Life of Cbrill. unto the which he may have a perionail propriety, hold - fall, and poif ffion. So then in one word, faith is a parti- cular gent unto the truth and goodnes of God in C;hri his fufterings and reiúrreaion, as an al- fufficient and o pen treafury of righteoufneffe and fálvation to every one which comes unto them ; and thereupon a refolution of the heart there to fixe and fallen for thofe things, and to looke no further. Now this faith is called knowledge. Firf1,in regard of the principles of its The a Word and Spirit : both which produce faith by a way of' b conviótion, and manifetlati- on. Secondly, in regard of the g oand of believing, which is the knowledge of Gods will revealed: for none mutt dare demand or take any thing from God, till hee have revealed his will of giving it ; e He bath faid, mutt be the ground of our faith. Thirdly, in regard of the car. tainty and undoubtednefle which there is in the affent of faith. d Abrahamwas fully perfwaded of Gods power & promìfe; now there is a twofold certainty : a certainty er the thing beleeved, becaufe of the power and prom ife of him that bath faid it ; and a certainty of the mind belee- ving. The former is as full and fire to one beleever as to any other, as an Almes is as certainly and fulty given to one Poore man who yet reeeives it with a (baking and Pallie hand, as it is to another that receives it witL more firength. But th _ mind of one man may bee more certaine and affüred than another, or than it lelte at Tome other time : fometimes it may have a certainty of evi- dence, affurance,and full perfwafion of Gods goodnefle ; fometimes a certainty onely of Adherence, in the mida of the buffets of Satan, and force wrong Temptations, whereby it refoIveth to cleave unto G o D in Gird, though it walke in darkenzf e, and have no -light. Fourthly, and laítly,in regard of' the lait Reflexive AEE c Whereby we know that we know him,and ibeleeve in him. And yet both this and all the reti are capable of growth