Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

----- /)eLife ofCbrá fi. 513 grow'ch, as the Apoftic here intimates ; we know here but in part, and therefore our knowledge of Him may t ill iucrea:fe. The heart may have morep!eutifullespe. rience of Go 's mercy in comforting, guiding, defen- ding, illightning, fanttifyurg it, which the Scripture cals the g le4rning of Chrift,and thereupon cannot but defìre to have more knowledge of Hinvli 1 Communion with t efptc allyin thole two great ben_lits, His Refur re&tton and fùfferrngs. Ind the power of His Refurret1ion.] The Apostles defire in the fe words is double. Firth, that he may finde the workings of that power in his foule,which was (hevt' +ed in the Rerurredtion of Chritt from the Dead, that is, the Power of.the Spirit of Holineffe,which is the migh- ty principle of Faith in the heart. That Spirit h of Ho- Iiiefie which quickned Chritt from the Dead, Both by the fame glorious powerbeget Faith and other graces in the foule. It is as great a worke of the Spirit to forme `Chritt in the heart of a finner, as it wms to fafhion him in the 4vonb of a Virgin. Secondly ,that He may feele the R.erHrret°wn of OW tò have a Power in Him. Now .Chriiis Refurreetion bath á. twofold Power upon us or towards us, Fit, to ap- ply all his merits unto us, to accompliíh the worke of His fatisfac` }ion, to declare his Cot.queft over death, and to propofe himfrlfe as an All- fuffrcient Saviour to the faithful!. As the tiampe addes no vertue nor matter of reall value to a piece ofGold,' but only makes that value which before it had, actually applyable and currant So the Refurrec`tion of (Thrift, though it was no part of the price or fatisfadtion which Chria made, yet it was that which made them all of force to His members. Therefore the Apoftle faith that Chritt war ju ftified in Spirit. In His Death He fuffered as a malefaEtor, and did undertake the guilt of our fins (fo farre as it denotes an obligation unto,punilhment, though not a meritori- outnt1e g Eph 4 z o. ph,l.4. zo. Rom. i:4. Rom.B, i i. i Peter 3,r8, EF hef. t.r9. C z. i a._ i Tim 3.16.