52q. John 11.44. Iohn a 1.6,7. Revel 1.18. a AFls 13.134 61 Cor. 15.17 cRom.4.i6. dEph g.; o. i&om. 8 eRom.4.zí f Rom.14,9. ¡Ads 3.15. lie Life of Chrift... oufnefle of puniihment;) but by that Spirit which railed Him from the Deal He was juth lied Himfelfe, that is, He declared to the world that He had (hakenoff all that ; guilt from Himfelfe, and os it were 1ef it,iü His Grave with His Grave Clothes. For as Chrifts Righteoufneffe is compared to a robe of triumph, fo may our guilt to a garment of' Death, which Chrifl in His Refurredion thooke all off, to note that Death had, no boldfaii at all of Him. When Lazarus was railed, It, is laid that He came forth bound hand and foote with Grave Cloathes, to note that Hee was not out as a victor over Death, unto which He came to returne againe : but when Chrift rote Hee left them behinde, becaufe death was to have no more power over Him. Thus by His Refurreó}ion He was declared to have gone through the whole punifh- ment which He was to Puffer for fin, and being thus ¡L. itified himfelfe,that he was able alto to juftifie others that b; leeved in him. This is the reafon why the Apofil;e %= feth rhefe words to prove the Refurrehion of C13rift,.1 . will give you the a lure mercies of, David, Tor none of Gods mercies had been fure to us if Chrif had been h'eld- under by death ; h Our Pith bad Beene vain e,- we had bin yet in our fins. But his worke being fully finifhed, the mercy,which thereupon dependedwas madecertaib., and as the Apoille fptakes, C lure unto all the feed. Thus as the Day wherein Redemption is victorious and confum- mate is calld the d day of Redemption : ló the worke wherein the merits of hrift were d.clar'd vidorious is laid to e have been for our j ufttfication,becaufe they were thereby made appliable unto that purpofe. The fecond worke of the Power of Chrilts Refurre- dion is to overcome all death in us, and reilore in to life again.Therfore he is cald1the Lord of the hvring,and s the Prince of life,to note that his life is operative unto others. We are by his Refurre& ion fecur'd f rlt againít the death and Law, which we were held under; for every firmer is con-