The Lífe©f Chrift. condemn'd already. Now when Chrift was condem- ned for franc, bee therebydeliver'd us from the death of the Law, which is the curie : fö that though force of the grave cloathes may not be quite shaken off, but that we may bee fubject co the workings and feares of the Law upon force occatìons, yet the maledi55tion thereof is for ever removed. Secondly,we are (ecwred agairft the death in firs, h regenerated, quickned,renued, fafhioned by the power of gódlineffe, which tameth our rebellions, fub- dueth our corruptions, and turneth all our of e Lions another way. Thirdly, againtt i the hold -faft and con - +queit of death in the grave, from whence wee (hall bee k ,translated unto glory : a fpecimcn ani refemblance of this was (hewed at the Refurredtion of Christ, r rohen the s- raves were, openeei,andsnany dead d'oá'ies oCtbe Saints arofe, and entred into the C'itie. As a Prince in his inau- guration or folemne !late openeth priions, and unlooiech many which there were bound, to honour his folemni- tie : to did Chrift do to thofe Saints at his Refurreaion, and in them gave affurance to all his of their conquest over the Taft Enemy. What a fearefull condition then are all men out of 1 Chrift in,who {hall have no intere(i in his Reiurredio:n ? Rife indeed. they shall, but barely-by his power as their m Iudge, not by fellowfbip With him as the first fruites and first borne of the dead ; and therefore theirs shall not be properly, or at least comfortably a Refùrredaion, no more than a condemn'd perfons going from the pri- ton to his execution may bee call an enlargemenr, Pha- raohs Sutler and Ba':er went both out of priion,but they were not both delivered e to the righteous, and the wic- ked (hail all appeare before Chrift, and bee gathered out of their graves, but they (hall not Ohrldren of thó. Refurreéìion, for that belongs onely to the jui:. The wicked (hall bee dead everiaitingly to al, the plea - fures and wayes of fin, they wallowed in. A there 1 5Z5 h t Peter I.3. Romans 8.11. Romans 6.4. ilohn 6.39,40 COä.15.22,23 Rev.I q. Heb. f,9 E-Ieb.4.9, I o . iThcf.4,t 6,17 l&lat,z7.1z.53 a Ads 17.31. Luke zo.; 6, Luke Iq. I4.