52,6 áPfal.49 i7. G t T1aeC4 26, 18. Match, zf46 c Iohn 15. z. Mal.; .3. Timt .14. Pfal. 11o. 3. d Heb. Revel.zz.t5. eHab.r: r;. f Mitth.5 8. L Tim. 2. 2,1. S z Titan.; 13. Revel. 22.1 t. h Heb. 3.12,1 3 a-16.10.39. k Rom. z. f. f ames 5.; Deut 32-34,35 Efaÿ 30.33. dl he Life of Chri1., there remaines nothing to a drunkard or adulterer at` ter all his youthfull exceu1es but crudities, rottenuefle, difeafes, and the worme of Confcience ; ío the wicked fhall carry no worlds nor fatisfaaions. of lust to hell with them, their a glory (hall not defcend after them. Thefe things are truths written with a funne beame in the book of God : Firit,That b none out of Chrilt (hall rife unto Glory. Secondly, That e all who are in him are purged from the Love and power of thine, are made a people willingly obedient Onto his fcepter and the go- vernment of his grace and 1pirit; and have eyes given them to fee no beauty but in his kingdorne, Thirdly, Hertra,rpon it is manifeft d that no uncleane thing (hall rile unto glory. A Prince in the day of his bate, or any royall folemnity,will not admit beggers,or bate companions in -' to his pretence. a Hee is of purer eyes than to behold, much leffe to communicate with uricleane perfons. f None but the pure in heart (hall fee god. Fourthly, that every g wicked man waxeth worfe andworfe, that hee who is filthy growes more filthy, h that finne hardneth the heart, and i infidelity hafteneth perdition. Whence the conclufron is evident, That every impenitent firmer, who without any inward hatred and purpofes of revenge againft i'm, witlaotat godly furrow forepaft,and 1pirituall renovation for after- times, allowes himfelfeto continue in any courfe of uncleanneffe, fpends all his time and ltrength to no other purpofe, than k onely to heape up coales of Iuniper again(} his own foule, and to gather to- gether a treafìire of fns and wrath,like an infinite pile of wood to borne hirnfelfe in. Again, this power of Chrifls relurreetion is a ground of fòlid and invincible comfort to the faithful! in any preffures or calamities though never fò defperate, becaufe God hath power and promifes to raifè them up againe. This is a thificient fupportance, firít, Againfc any either publike, or private aflli&cions. However the Church may feeme