Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The. LifeofChrift. 5z7 fecme to bee reduc'.d to as low and uncurable an .eftate I as dried bones in a grave,cr the brands of wood in a fire yet it Qìall.bee but like m the darkeneffe of a night, after two .dayes he will revive againr, His goings forth in the defence of His Church are prepared as the morning. When n Job was upon a dunghill, and his Reims were confirmed within him ; When ° lonph was ac,the bot- tome of the Mountaines;and the weedes wrapped about his head, and the great.billowes and waves *eat over him, fo that. he feemed as call: out of Gods fight ; W he.n e David, the milt of troubles, and q Ezekah-in great bitternes,this power of God to raife unto life again was the only refuge and comfort they had. Secondly, a gainft all temptations and difcomforts : Satans traines and policies come too late after once Chrift is rifen from the dead ; for r in his relurreátion the Church is difchar- ged and let at large., Thirdly, against: Death it felfe; ,be- caufe we fhall.come out of our graves as gold out of the .fire, or miners out of their pits, laden with gold and glo- ry at the laft. Laltly, wee muff from hence learne .r to feeke thofe things that are above whither Chrift is gone. t Chrifts Kingdome is not here, and therefore our hearts should not be here. ° Hee is afcended qn high, and bath given gifts onto . glen, as abfent lovers fend tokens to each other, to' attra6t the affe Lions, and call thither the thoughts. lf' Chrift: would have had our hearts refl. on the earth He would have continued with us here x is His Will that we be where He is : and therfore we muff make it the mine bufnefle of our life to move towards him. Things of a nature encline to one another even to their prejudice. A Bone will fall to his center, though there bee fo many rubs>in the way, that it is Pure to bee broken all to peeces in the motion. The fame fhould be a. Chriftians refolution. Chrils his Center, and Hea- ven is his Country, and therefore thitkrhee. muff con- clude !Ezek. 37.1i. Lam. 3.6. rn ?fat. Hofea 6, z, 3. Vlic,h 7.8. .Lach.3: z. ;Job 1 9 . 2 . 5 , 2 , 7 /Ion. 2.2..7. p Pfal. 138.'7: g Efay 38. 17. rRo 8.33,34. Heb.7.i4,zf. fCo1. 3. i. t Iohn 18.36. ro Eph 4.8. x Io11.17,14. _4