5z8 y z COT, 5,4. ti i bid.v. s . mercatura efi quid= arn.itte re ut pnjor.ìdu= creris. Tertul. a Romaus 6.6 Col. a. i bHeb.9. 14. Co ?,3.5. Gal. 5:24. lohn 16.1 I. Luke a 1 Mohn 3,8 7 he Life of Chri . elide to goe, notwithffanding, he mutt be broken in the way with manifold temptations, and afliiCtions. Saint y Pad defired, if it had beenpofiible, to be clothed upon, and to have his mortality f rallowed up of life, and to get whole to Heaven. But it he may not have it upon fu good termes, bee will not onely z confidently endure, but Jerre to be difiblved and broken in peeces, that by any meaues he may come to Chrifl, becaufe that, being bell of all, will be an aboundant recompence for any in- tercurrent damage. It is not a to %, but a marriage and honour for a woman to forfake her owne kindred, and houle, to go to a Husband : neither is is a Joffe, but a pre- ferment for the foule, to relinquifh for a time the body, that it may goe to Chrifl, who bath married it unto him. felfe for ever. And the fellozrfbip of hit fu f'erings] This fellowfhip notes two things :FUJI', A participation in the benefits of his Sufferings; Secondly, A Conformity of ours to his. Full, His a Sufferings are Ours ; wee were buryed and Cruc.iied with him, and that againe notes two things. Fitt} wee communicate in the Price of Chrifls Deach covering the guilt of fìnne, fatisfying the wrath of God, and being an Expiation and propitiation for us. Second- ly, in the b Power of his Death, cleanfing our Confci, ences from dead wo.rkes, mortifying our earthly ment- bers, crucifying our old man, fubduing our iniquities and corruptions, pulling downe the throne of Satan, fpoyling him of all his armour, and deflroying the works of the Devill. And this power worketh,firtl,by the pro- pheticall office of Chrifl, Revealing ; fecondly, by his Regali office, applying and reaching forth the power of his blond to fubdue fin, as it had before triumphed over dathand Satan. But here the maine point and quetlion will lie, what . this mighty power of the Death of Chrifl is thus to kill finn.: d wherein the Caufality thereof Con fifleth ?