Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life o f Cbri fice had the linnes of the people emptied upon him) -an d i.f that relation,Dyin ; Gnne it felfe likewife diech in us.' AA these is a proportion betweenc the Death of the C:offe which Chrilt died, and the Dying of finne in us. Chrift died as a Servant, to note that lìnne (hould not rule, but be brought into flavery and bondage : Hee died a Curie, to note that wee (hould looke upon finne as an acvurìed and devoted thing, and therefore {hould not with 4cluin hide,or referve any : He dranke vinegar on his Croflè, to note that wee Mould make tidne teele the (lurpnes of Gods difpleafureagainft it : he was fait naild unto the Croffe, to note that wee flhould put finne out of eaf e, and leave no luft or corruption at large, but cru- cifie the whole body thereof. Laftly though bee did not prefently die, yet there he did hang till he died; to note that we thould never give over fubduing fin while it bath any life or working in us. Thus the Death Chrift is the patterne of the death of fin. Thirdly, It is Cagja Objettiva, an Impelling or mo- ving cauf e as 0bjeïtt are. ForObjeóts have an e"?ttra- c`iive Power. eAehan faw the wedge of gold, and then Coveted ir, David faw Bathfbeba,and then defired her. Therefore the Apoltle mentions Lufts of the Eye,which are kindled by the Things of the world. As the 1trength of imagination fixing upon a blackemore on the Wall ruade the Woman bring forth a black child : fo there is a kinde of fpirituall Imaginative power in faith to crucifie finne by looking upon Chrift Crucified. As the Breen Serpent did heale thole who had beene bitten by the fiery ferpents t,aoguam objettumfidei, meerly by being looked upon : fo Chrift Crucified loth heale fin by being look- ed upon with the eye of faith. Now faith lookes upon Chrift crucified, and bleeding, Firft, as .the giftof his fathers love, as a token and fpedacle of more unfearcha- ble and tranfcendent mercy, than the comprehenfion of the whole lroaft of Angels can reach unto. And hereby the