TheLife of (kifl. 13 r the heart is ravifhed with love againe, and with a grate- ful1 delire of returning all our time, parts, powers,fervi- ces unto Him, who !pared not the Sonne of his owne love for us. Secondly, I t l ooketh on him As a facri frce Heb 9.1.6, ror gnne, and Expiation thereof to Cols Iuf1ice; and hereby the heart is framed to an humble feare of re- proaching,voyding, nullifying unto it felfe the Death of Chrilt, or by Continuance in finne of crucifying the Lord lefus againe. It is made more diftinly, in the fûf- ferings of Chrift, to know that infinite guilt, and M- li(h filthinef'e which is in finne, which brought fo great a punifhment upon fo great a perfon; And hereupon groweth to a more ferious Hatred thereof and careful- nefle againft ir, as being a greater enemy unto his lefus, than Iudas that betraid, or the Pharifees that accufed, or the fouldiers that Crucified him ; as- being more (harp to the foule of Chriff than the nailes or ipeares that pierced His facred body. How !hall I dare (thinks. the faithful! íòäe) to live in thofe frnnes by which I may as truely bee denominated a betrayer an Crucifier of him that, faved me, as halos, or ?ilate,were ? Thirdly, It I®okes on him as Our forerunner into glory, whither Heb.6. zo. he Entred not but by a way ofbloud. From whence the Lak. 24.16. heart eafily concludes,if Chr ill Entred not into his own i rxt. r, i r. glory but by fuffering, how fhail I enter into that glory, ' which is none of mine, if I flied not the bloud of my lulls, and take order to Crucifie all them ,before L gOe ' So then none can Conclude that Clarift died for him, who findes not himfelfe fet ágainit the life of finne within him, in whom the body of corruption is not fo lefned,as that it doth no more rule to waft his confcience or enrage his heart. If a man grow worle and worfe, his heart more hard, his Confcience more fenfèlefle, his re- folutions more defperate, his eare more dead, his courfes more Carnal! and worldly than before ; certainely the Mm a.. fellow -1