Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Life of Chrifi. fellowfhip and vertue of the blond of Chriff bath hither- to done little good to fuch a man. And what a wofull thing is it for a man to live and die in an etlate much more mifèrable than if there never had beene any I elus given unto men ? For that man who bath heard of Guilt, at whofe heart bee bath knocked, unto whofe Conscience he bath beene revealed, and yet never belee- veth in him unto righreoufnes, or lanftification, but lives and dies in his filthinetfe,(hal be puniíhed with a fa.r forer Condemnation, than thofe of Tyre, Sydon, or Sodom, that knew nothing of him. O then let us labour to thew forth the power of Chritfs Death, and that he died not in vaine unto us. Though we cannot yet totally kill, yet let us crucifie our corruptions,weaken their vigor,abate their rage,dilpoflétfe them of the throne in our hearts,put them unto fhame : and in as much as Chriíl hath Suffered for fin, let us ceafe from fin, and live the rat of our time not to the will of the fiefh, nor to the lutls of men, but to the will of God. The lecond part of our fellowfhip in fufferings with Chrifi is the conformitie of ours to His. In all our afflie}i_ ons he is afflieted ; and Saint Paasl call His fufferings the filling up of that which is behinde of the afdió }ions of Chrit. Not as if Chriffs fufferings were imperfeé (for By one offering He bathperfeRed for ever them that are fax Eified.) But as Chrift bath Perfonall fufferings in cor- pore proprio, in His humane Body, as Mediator, which once for ever He finifhed : So He hath generall fufferings in corpore myftico, in His Church, as a member with the reff. Now of thefe fufferings of the Church we mull note that they have no conformity with Cbrills in there two things. Fire ï, not in Of ici9, in the office of Chrilfs fuffè- rings; for His were meritorious and fatisfa6tory; Ours onelyrninifteriail, and for edification. Secondly, not in pondero C' menfura, not in the weight and meafure of them