Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

53+ The Life of Chrill. aTix11.3.1 2. I Pet.4.4 Efay 8. i 8. Zach. Pdatth. 20.2,3 aIa44n. b I zoh. z. 2. Heb. c Veitts baji- tante Camillo, 111ie Roma fuit dPhi1.4.I s. elc+h.6;23. f Luk. 2, L.32. flatter him in the outwardprofeflion of His N?meand Wor!hip ;. and they i}abbe and perfecute Him in the hatred of His wayes an .1 members. And this is the prin. cipall real òn why fu many stand off from a through em- bracing, of Christ and his wayes ; becau!e Often they are indeed in His body, they mutt goe His w Heaven, w hieh was a way of fuffering. They that : five god- ly in Christ Iefus mutt fùtfer perfecution,, and be by wic- ked men efteemed as lignes and wonders to bee fpoken againit, and that not oneiy.. amongft pagans, and pro- feffed enemies to the Truth, but even in Ifrael, and a- .mon,,ft thofe who externally make the fame proferti- on. But this Chould comfort us in all our fufferings for CH x I $ Ts fake, . and for our obedienée to His Gofpell; that wee drinke of our Mailers owne Cuppe, that wee 611 up that which is wanting of His atlliions, that aria Himfelfe was called a Samaritan,.. a Devil], a Winebibber, entrapped, fpied, ,fnared, Nine ;, and He who is now our Captarne to leade us,. will hereafter bee our á Crowne to reward us we may fafely b looke upon Chriils iflúe, and know it to bee ours. First, wee have Chri fir fellovolhìp in them ; and if it were poílïble,a man were better bee in Hell with Chrifl, than in Hea- ven without Him : for His prefence would make any place a Heaven, as the CI( I N G makes any place the Court. Secondly, wee have d Chriffa..ftrength to beare them. Thirdly, e His victories to overcome them. Fourthly, f His Interceffion to preferve us from falling away in them. Fifthly, His Graces to be the:more glo- rified by them, as a Torch when it is fhaken Chines 'the brighter. Sixthly, His compaf on to moderate and proportion them to the meafure of llr,ength which Hee gives us : And lately, His Crowne on our heads, His Palme in our hands, His triumphall Garments upon us, ,when wee shall have tatted our meafure of them. For