Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

ci be rexataon of the Spa® to fee the occaf on, and upon that grew to couple With the route, and to applaud the ation, as the refs did. In another place of the fame Booke we reade of c_Mo confe3'. Is. c 8 nice, the mother of that holy man, that Thee had fo of- ten ufed to fip the wine that came to her fathers table, that from fipping fhee grew to-loving, and from thence to exceffrve drinking; which particulars are by him re- ported, to Phew the deceitfulneffe of Panne in growing upon the confcience, if it can but win the heart to con- fuit, to deliberate, to indulge a little to it felfe at firfi : for it is in the cafe of fanne, as it is in treafon, gui delibe- rant;defcivernnt, to eiitertaine any the modeflefl ternies of parley with GODS enemie is downe -right to for - fake him. And if it be fo in any thing, then much more r in the love of the World ; for the Apoflle tels us, that that-is a Root; and therefore we muff expeei, if ever it get footing in us, partly by reafon of its owne fruitfull quality, partly by reafon of the fertili Toile wherein it is, the corrupt heart of man, partly by reafon of Satans con- flant plying it with his husbandrie and fuggeflions, that it will every day grow faller, fettle deeper, and fpread wider in our foules. By which nleanesit mull needs likewife create abundance of vexation to the fpirits of ExodJ6,20. men. For as cManna in the Wilderneffe, when the peo- ple would not be content to have from God their daily bread, but Would needs. be hoording and nniltiplyingof it,.bred wormes and !Janke, fo when men will needs íeape up wealth, and other earthly fiipplycs beyond flint or meafure, they doe but flore up wormes to gnaw upon their confciences, that which will vex and annoy the owners. Theypant after the Dsisi of the Earth on the head of the poore, faith the Prophet of thole crueli oppreffours that fold the righteous for fhooes it notes how the fierceneffe of a greedie and unfatiable delire will weare out the flrength of a man, make him fpend all his wits, and even gafpe out his fpirits, inpuxfuing the poore unto tho Tac...