A TABLE OF THE CONTENTS, The firfi T'reatife.. The Vanitie of the Creature.. ECCLES.I.I4. Roportion and propriety, the grounds of fanaificarion to The Soule. Page 3 The Creatures infufl'icient to fatisfie the Dcfi.es of the Soule. 4 The Ground hereof, The vaft difproportion between the Soul:. and the Creature. 7 The Creature vain e. i. In its nature and worth. 9 Therefore we fheuld not truft in it, nor fwcll with it. i t The Creature vaine, z. In its deadneife and in etI'cacie. r 5 Therefore wee should not relie on it , nor attribute furT,ciencie to it. 19 How to use the Creature as a dead Creature s. Confider its dependence , and fubordination to Gods power. 22. z. Sanftif e and reduce it to ips primitive goodneffc. 24 How the Creature is fan &ii ed by the VVord and Prayer. z6 3. Love it in its owne order. The Creature vaine, 3. In its duration. T he Roots of Corruprion in the Creature. 38 Corrupt mindes are apt to conceive an immortalitie in earthly things. `6' The proceedings of Gods Providence in the 4ifpciifation of earthly things VVife and Tuft. 48 Corre &ives tobe obf rued in the Life of the Creature. A 4 r. Keene