Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

140 THE A It T I£ - finnes; and. afcer in a gloriou.s RefurrecHon rayfeth - himfelfe to a new life free from ftnne (,¥hich tookea- .. "vay his former life) and • this free life, by the fpirit of liberrie, hee befl:oweth on his members, thereby difI .charging them· from the ' Hauerie of fin ne; and con~ fequently, ofdeath, theet: fett of fin ne. And that the ~ Iufiice of God might not yet complaine,that though the breaches of the Law ' \VCre fatisfied, xetthe obe- ' . die nee vnto the Law was not fulfilled {whichwas a ' yoke impofed onrnankind 1 by the.Iufl:ice ofGod in the Creation.) Therefore bee \vho freeth vs ·from the ' I _, guilt .....