OF HAPPINES. Buryet Man is not quiet; . -·hee /is not in good liking - ~irh this kind of happines; _ for hee complayneth it is. thin and ayrie ~ and his fle!h-. ly palatehath more ftuour :- in the tafte of flefh , then in the tafl:e of a fpirituall bap- , pinetTe. Againe, he l"aith,it is long in comming, and a ·Man may bee wearie with ,looking for it , before it comes. To the firfl:, I grant indeede, that the flefhly tafte rellifheth not fpiritual · ioyes, but yet are theynot · therefore the worfe,but the _better. For, thegrofneffe-of the one, and the puritie of .the other, are the caufes o .thisdiflike.So doth the fio· ;. makeofthecountrySwa1n de.. .. •