Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

.178 T H E A 1t T E ' many'louers, fo many 'hel– pers. So many that reioyce · in\his comforts , fo many - that bewaile his troubles, fo many ta incourage him fianding , fo many to raife him being falne~ fo many to aduife him in doubts , fo · rnariy to releeue him-in ne... cefftties. In fumme, the true childrenofGod euer were, and ftil areof one heart and , ~inde,Jooingand beloued; They account themfe}ues as one, &therefore no part of this vnitie can lacke, what the other part there· ofinioyeth. Hee that is a fon, bath in hin1 this loue, and h~e that hath not this loue in him, is not a fonne; for he mufi needes loue his { (~1-