0 F HA pp IN E s. .179 fpiritua11 kindred, who is fpiritually begotten. Hee · mufl ·needes loue them, be– caufe ofVnitie, becaufe of · Vniformitie,becaufeofPu– ritie, and becaufe the Spirit . ,vhich begets him; is the SpiritQfLoue. Andaswe haue an interefl: in our bre;,. thren, fo haue wee in their prayers:they ftil commend vs to God, andmany times· when our owne deadneffe of heart doth flacke the hand of G o n toward vs, their feruency cloth caufe r hiscountenance to fhine fa· uourab.ly on vs. Finally, if the name offriendiliip bee , fweer, if loue on earth be a chiefe comfort; and againe, ifthefriendfuipand loue of I ~ good ,. I I \ " . I-