Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

-----.-----------------: were a continuall enmitie againft God, fhould prefet ue the fame wickedHues . by the benefits of G o D. Therefore the defpifers of '. God,haue no title in regard ~ ofGod, to the Creaturesof - God.And though in regard of men theymay feeme to haue apropertie in them (it being not in the iudgement of men to define, who is ~ not, and il1all not bee the .– Childof God) yet her~af. ter, by the iudg_ement of God,which lhall make hid– den things manifefi, it fhall · plainly ;tppeare, that this propertie was not by right, but byvfurpation, and by · the·long fuffering ofa moft patient God. And then lhal r they l ~~----~--~--------~~ I A