Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

,_ ' J 188 · Ta E AR.. T E ' .... an efpeciall _comfort to an heauenly Souldier, t9per.. forme his feruice in the -fight ofhis Prince; :Whofe eye incour~getb him,fight– ing v~liantly, whofe power refcueth him.being oppref- ,fed , and whofe bountie fcores ·vpall his aduentures - ,and fufferings vntoa finall · reward.,And this re\vard is ·of fuch a glorie, that the highefi degree offuffering, is not worthy of the leaft and lonrefi degree of thi~ Glorie. · LafHy, (though it bee herd togiueata!leof Gods blcffingin this life) theSpi– rit of Chrifi , befides the light ofdireelion andclari- .' fication , befides the Oy1e of'